We all want the very latest, coolest items on the market whether it’s a fancy new tablet computer, a stunning designer dress as worn by an A-list celebrity at a glitzy event at the weekend, or maybe just a luxury car to allow you to drive in comfort and style. But, the very latest products come at a price – and quite often a hefty one at that.
With finances tight for everyone at present, it’s difficult to justify spending a lot of money on anything that isn’t going to directly benefit us every moment of every day, but our insatiable appetite for getting the latest “must-haves” just wont go away.
So how do we do it? Well, you can’t really sell a limb – unless you’re Usain Bolt there isn’t much market value in legs – so we need to look to make savings, whilst still obtaining the items we desire so much. If you’re one of these people who quite simply ‘needs’ to have these items the second they hit the stores, try following these three top tips and you could find that not only do you get what you want, but you get them without necessarily paying the top prices for them.
Online discounts.
The world is becoming increasingly focussed on the Internet, clearly – otherwise you wouldn’t be here now – and more and more people are skipping the high street stores and doing their shopping on the Internet instead. It’s easy to see why too, with 24-hour shopping making it easy to shop whenever you get the chance – on your lunch hour, maybe once the kids are in bed for example – and they always seem to have the item you want in stock. But, there is a greater benefit and that is the online discounts offered by many stores. These exclusive offers allow you to make substantial savings on your items, such as getting buy-one-get-one-free deals or maybe 20% off the final total that you wouldn’t get from the high street store. These savings can then be saved for a rainy day or put towards something else deemed to be “essential.”
Payday lenders.
If you’re over 18, a UK-resident and currently employed, then you’re eligible to apply for a payday loan. These short-term advances from the people who say “visit our website to get instant cash” allow people to pay for items they need, such as car repairs or maybe even that tablet computer you’ve been dying to get your hands on, borrowing the money and paying it back on payday or whenever you have the money to spare. It’s only a short-term solution, but any way of making your savings and paying back the cash when you can is a good thing.
“Second hand” returns.
With a lot of the latest must-haves, you can get your hands on a returned item within hours it seems. Many people buy them in advance as part of the hype, only to realise that it isn’t really suitable for them when it arrives. Then, the stores put them back on sale as “second hand” because it’s already been bought, opened or used, when really it’s in peak condition. Keeping your eye out for these products is a great way of saving a bundle on a top quality product.