If you own a property, you might have thought about renting it out in order to make a little extra money. With the proliferation of online marketplaces, where you can list and communicate with potential renters, it’s becoming easier to make cash on your home whenever you are not there.
We’ve put together some top tips on how to make good money if you do so, from using a housekeeping checklist to get the place into shape, to how to retain renters in the long run!
The first thing to do when thinking about renting out your property for a short-term let is to make sure it is in good working order. If you plan to do this on multiple occasions the best way to ensure a systematic approach each time is to write yourself a housekeeping checklist that will guide you on all the key elements to check before advertising and handing over the keys.
Home Comforts
On your checklist, you should mark down cleaning and presentation work to make sure your property is as appealing as it can be for potential renters. Make sure to get rid of any residual dirt, and clean windows, cooking appliances and carpets. Next on the housekeeping checklist is having appropriate linens and towels for future tenants. Most home-rents these days offer this kind of service so just ensure they are in good condition and will be cleaned and ironed before the guests arrive.
Professional Finish
Once you’ve got this sorted, take some good quality photos that you can use to advertise the property online. Think about lightning and make sure your house is very tidy to give potential renters the best impression. Employ a professional photographer for the morning if needs be – it will pay for itself in increased rental income down the line. When you have some great snaps put them online and just wait for the reservations to start rolling in!
Having secured a number of bookings it’s time to go back to your housekeeping checklist for a list of jobs to do before the guests arrive. First of all note down any last minute cleaning jobs that should be done in the kitchen, bedrooms and bathroom(s). Any sign of mess or dirt will be an instant turn-off for any new renters.
Final Touches
Last on the list should be the finishing touches that make a house a home for your tenants. Think home-baked bread on their arrival, freshly cut flowers, and making sure the house is warm in winter and well ventilated in summer. These things really make a different to how guests feel when they arrive and often translate into good reviews online.
To make money from renting out your home, this guide will help you ensure your property is in excellent working order. By going that extra mile for guests, they’re likely to come back again and again, making you some significant extra income in the process!