We all enjoy at least a bad habit, whether it is gorging on ice creams or chocolates. There are habits and vices such as having a puff or a swig of that alcohol daily. What most of us do not realize is that these habits are not only costing our health but having an impact on our wallets too. As long as these habits are in control, it might be ok but still they end up doing considerable damage. Let us take a look at how these habits are turning out to be expensive for us.
Kicking Tobacco
The recent increase in taxes on tobacco and tobacco products have significantly increased the price of a pack of cigarette. Today, one ends up paying at least $10 per pack and 50 cents per cigarette. If you smoke two packs per day, you end up spending about $140 per week and that comes to a staggering $7,280 per year! And on top of that all that smoke going inside your lungs can make some unhealthy deposits and increase your trips to the doctor. This can enhance your medical bills too. Million of deaths are caused every due to smoking. Considering the cost as well as he health risk, it would be wise decision to think before you hold that cigarette in your hand and consider quitting smoking all together.
Cutting Out Alcohol
Alcohol consumption is on the rise, even in teenagers. It is perfectly fine to have a drink or two occasionally, but there are many who are in the habit of drinking heavily every day. They probably do not realize the amount of money being spent on this bad habit. Recent survey shows that beer is the number one alcoholic beverage. On just one Super Bowl Sunday, about 325.5 million gallons of beer get consumed! Whisky is another popular drink. 63 million liters of Johnny Walker Red Label gets sold every year. Billions of dollars are collected as taxes from alcohol. According to experts, alcohol consumption leads to loss in working days, expensive healthcare, vehicles accidents and criminal justice expenses. DUI cases are already on the rise.
It is time to stop and introspect these bad habits that can play havoc with not only our finance but health too. There is deterioration in the health of 69% Americans due to these habits. Just it smoking and drank spirits occasionally and you will be just fine.